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IPM Principles


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) includes any available (safe and efficient) methods to reduce pest numbers. The main focus of the IPM program is to start essential procedures to prevent the emergence of pests in a facility, attenuate conditions favouring their presence, as well as regular pest monitoring and management.

Pest monitoring is a key component of the IPM system. The monitoring covers regular scheduled observation and measurement of all the pest activity aspects in order to obtain data essential to assess the past action and to be used in future pest management plans.
The monitoring techniques help us detect the presence of pests even at early development stages, identify the places of insect activity and obtain data about infestation degree. Proper monitoring enables us to quickly notice alarming changes and identify the hot spots (increased activity locations). It also serves as a go-ahead to start accurate prevention measures.

Pest activity monitoring serves the following purposes:

  • identify the pest presence: define its species and dwelling places;
  • estimate the pest population size from monitoring devices readings and signs of presence;
  • determine the pest population changes in time;
  • determine the effectiveness of corrective actions, e.g. if earlier procedures did not yield expected results;
  • determine the effectiveness of implemented emergency (intervention) procedures;
  • identify natural enemies of the pest and more potential pests
  • identify the conditions which led to the problem: easily available food, high humidity, natural hideaways, leakages, general hygienic conditions of the facilities, etc.
  • identify the decisions and practices which contributed to pest population change and influenced the management program outcome (such as: nearby construction site, changes in terrain shape, improper waste management, etc.);
  • determine whether weather changes (such as the change of seasons) influence the pest management outcome. If yes, what the influence is (e.g. abundant precipitation, severe winter, fewer hiding places, difficult access to food).

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Pest control techniques:

  • staff interview, providing preliminary information about the type, quantity, times and places of pests occurring. The gathered information is then confirmed by the IPM technician/coordinator in a maintenance inspection (monitoring).
  • monitoring traps review (maintenance and intervention inspections) - in order to provide details of the type and degree of infestation. The rooms with confirmed pest activity should be accurately marked. It is essential to identify the species and development stage of all the insects captured, since management procedures may only be launched after good "reconnaissance". The number and situation of the pests in the facility must be described thoroughly. Another important job during inspection is to find the pests' pathways into the product or the building. Stored items logistics and staff behaviour patterns may be helpful in finding the pest source as well. These facts should be a basis for drawing up remedy procedures. Shortcomings such as: broken window glass, leaking doorframes or doors, cracks in the walls and flooring, no protective netting at the windows or possible room cleanliness neglects should be recorded and remedied as soon as possible.
  • stored collections assessment, analysis of activity of pests, bacteria and mould fungi (surface erosions, perforating intrusions, stains). Careful visual inspection of the damage may help define the approximate damage time and type of pest, as well as verify the storage conditions which caused those alterations directly or indirectly.
  • Reading/recording the temperature and air humidity in order to mark places potentially at risk from particular insect species.

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